Diamond Sponsors
SOA4All will help to realize a world where billions of parties are exposing and consuming services via advanced Web technology. We will provide a comprehensive framework and infrastructure that integrates four complimentary and revolutionary technical advances into a coherent and domain independent service delivery platform: 1) Web principles and technology as the underlying infrastructure for the integration of services at a world wide scale. 2) Web 2.0 as a means to structure human-machine cooperation in an efficient and cost-effective manner. 3) Semantic Web technology as a means to abstract from syntax to semantics as required for meaningful service discovery. 4) Context management as a way to process in a machine understandable way user needs that facilitates the customization of existing services for the needs of users. Homepage: http://www.soa4all.eu/
SUPER - Semantic Utilised for Process Management within and between Enterprises The major objective of SUPER is to raise Business Process Management (BPM) to the business level, where it belongs, from the IT level where it mostly resides now. This objective requires that BPM is accessible at the level of semantics of business experts. Homepage: http://www.ip-super.org/
Social Experiment Sponsor
The TAGora project aims at exploiting the unique opportunities offered by the increasing popularity of computermediated social interaction in a variety of contexts. Such popularity, in fact, is making available large amounts of raw data from online semiotic systems (for example, collaborative tagging systems) and these data may become the foundantion of a true scientific investigation about the behavior of human agents on the Web and the dynamics of information in online communities.
Video Lecturing Sponsor
ACTIVE- Europe is in transition to a knowledge economy. Effective knowledge management is fundamental to successful economic activity, yet enterprises find it hard to transform much of their essential knowledge into transferable, easily accessible, and actionable knowledge assets. Such hidden knowledge is typically held by individual knowledge workers, being either tacit (unarticulated) or explicit but not widely available (e.g. emails, personal desktop files). ACTIVE aims to increase the productivity of knowledge workers in a pro-active, contextualised, yet easy and unobtrusive way. ACTIVE will integrate concepts, methods and tools from the fields of (i) Social Software and Web 2.0, (ii) Semantic Technologies, (iii) Context Mining, Context Modelling, and Context Sensitive Task Management, and (iv) Knowledge Process Mining, Knowledge Process Modelling and Pro-Active Knowledge Process Support into highly innovative application systems. The key result of ACTIVE will be a breakthrough which empowers enterprises to make knowledge technology effective for a much larger share of their essential knowledge. ACTIVE will generate sustainable impact by deploying the tools and applications in three industry sectors: consulting, telecommunication and engineering ("ACTIVE technology"). Homepage: http://www.active-project.eu
PhD Symposium Sponsor
The aim of NeOn is to create the first ever service-oriented, open infrastructure, and associated methodology, to support the development life-cycle of such a new generation of semantic applications, with the overall goal of extending the state of the art with economically viable solutions. These applications will rely on a network of contextualized ontologies, exhibiting local but not necessarily global consistency. Homepage: http://www.neon-project.org
Platinum Internet Sponsor
The aim of the EU FP 7 Large-Scale Integrating Project LarKC is to develop the Large Knowledge Collider (LarKC, for short, pronounced “lark”), a platform for massive distributed incomplete reasoning that will remove the scalability barriers of currently existing reasoning systems for the Semantic Web. Homepage: http://www.larkc.eu/
Platinum Sponsor
Ontotext is the developer of several outstanding products and major contributor to open-source platforms. It is a proven, competent and cost-effective, partner in:
- Development of tools and solutions based on semantic technologies
- Software engineering, performance optimization, ontology design
- Analysis, evaluation, feasibility studies based on cutting-edge expertise
The technology delivers real-world applications in Web Services and Enterprise Application Integration, Knowledge Management and Textmining, Business Intelligence, Media Research, and Life sciences. Ontotext carries out research in: NLP, information retrieval, ontology design and management, knowledge representation and reasoning, semantic web services and business process management (BPM). It is taking part in research projects with total budget of more than 100 million EURO. As a member of W3C we are involved in the development of the vision and the standards powering the development of the web. Homepage: http://www.ontotext.com/index.html
USB-stick Sponsor
NoTube is the first project to focus on TV content as a medium for personalized interaction.The overall result of this project will be twofold: - Architecture, Services and Models for Personalized Access of TV Content - Three showcase implementations that demonstrate the use of this architecture to realize challenging use cases with different combinations of NoTube services and models.
Gold Sponsor
PASCAL is a Network of Excellence funded by the European Union. It has established a distributed institute that brings together researchers and students across Europe, and is now reaching out to countries all over the world.
The mission of Yahoo! Research is to develop the world-class science that will deliver the next generation of businesses to the company. The scientists focus on data-driven analysis, high-quality search, algorithms and economic models. Yahoo! manages many of the largest and richest data repositories in the world, and researchers mine insights from these giant collections, individually and collectively, maintaining the privacy of the users while setting new standards for user value. Yahoo! believes in an open culture of collaboration with peers from academic and research institutions. Yahoo! provides an academic setting with a focus on simultaneously publishing scientific work of the highest standard while driving a research agenda with significant impact on the company. At the same time, they follow the Yahoo! tradition of a great work environment with first-rate benefits and amenities, the freedom to exercise creativity in pursuit of a goal, and a fun, focused setting with world-class colleagues.
Silver Sponsors
IOS Press - publishes some 85 international journals, ranging from computer science and mathematics to medicine and the natural sciences and 100-125 book titles a year. Commencing its publishing activities in 1987, IOS Press services a variety of scientific and medical communities in all parts of the world. IOS Press is a fast growing publishing company, which follows the developments in publishing closely. All journals are available online and an online book platform has been launched. Homepage: http://www.iospress.nl/
MUSING- delivers next-generation knowledge management solutions and services to enable perceptive business intelligence activities, directly at the End-Users premises. By applying innovative technological solutions, MUSING provides exclusive services for three business intelligence application areas: Financial Risk Management, Internationalisation and IT-Operational Risk & Business Continuity Homepage: http://musing.eu/
The Talis Platform is an open technology platform for mass collaboration and human-centric and information-rich applications. A platform for semantic applications, it combines Semantic Web, information retrieval, collective intelligence and behavioral mining technologies. Provides data management, organization and analysis components that can learn and understand patterns of behavior and present them through an API to be interwoven appropriately into any application. Interaction with the Talis Platform is via a suite of RESTful Web services. Homepage: http://www.talis.com/
Being established in 1979 and renovated in 2003, Saltlux Inc. is the true value innovation partner that supplies complete, integrated services and total solutions based on next generation information retrieval, mining and semantic technologies. Saltlux is actively working in 3 main businesses in ubiquitous computing, intelligent web based on semantic technologies and search 2.0 with [IN2]Platform which is service-oriented intelligent search platform using semantics and mining. Homepage: http://www.saltlux.com