The PhD Symposium will take place on the 1st of June 2009 in the Polymnia Room .
Each full paper has assigned a 30 minutes slot, which will include a 20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes for questions and comments. Each contribution is assigned a mentor who will give detailed comments on the presented work. This year's mentors are: Mathieu d'Aquin, Paolo Bouquet, Paul Buitelaar, Jerome Euzenat, Pascal Hitzler, Heiner Stuckenschmidt and Velentina Presutti. Each poster paper will be advertised with a 10 minutes presentation. Posters will then be available for discussion both during the breaks of the symposium and during the main poster session of the conference, on the 2nd of June.
Detailed Program:
PhD Symposium Sponsor
The aim of NeOn is to create the first ever service-oriented, open infrastructure, and associated methodology, to support the development life-cycle of such a new generation of semantic applications, with the overall goal of extending the state of the art with economically viable solutions. These applications will rely on a network of contextualized ontologies, exhibiting local but not necessarily global consistency. Homepage: