Program Chairs Lora Aroyo (VU University Amsterdam, NL) Paolo Traverso (FBK, Center for Information Technology - IRST, IT)
PC Vice Chairs Karl Aberer (EPFL, CH) Sean Bechhofer (University of Manchester, UK) Isabel Cruz (University Illinois at Chicago, USA) Dave de Roure (University of Southampton, UK) John Davies (BT, UK) John Domingue (The Open University, UK) Thomas Eiter (TUV, A) Asunción Gómez-Pérez (UPM, E) Nicola Guarino (ISTC-CNR, IT) Martin Hepp (DERI Innsbruck, A) Masahiro Hori (Kansai University, JP) Ian Horrocks (University of Oxford, UK) Matthias Klusch (DFKI, D) Manolis Koubarakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR) Natasha Noy (Stanford University, USA) Massimo Paolucci (DoCoMo Eurolabs, D) Luciano Serafini (FBK IRST, IT) Frank van Harmelen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL) Chris Welty (IBM, USA)
PC Members Abraham Bernstein (University of Zurich, CH) Alan Rector (University of Manchester, UK) Alan Ruttenberg (Science Commons, USA) Aldo Gangemi (CNR-ISTC, IT) Alessandro Artale (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, IT) Alex Borgida (Rutgers University, USA) Alexander Löser (Technische Universität Berlin, D) Alkis Simitsis (HP Labs, USA) Anastasios Kementsietsidis (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA) Andrea Cali (University of Oxford, UK) Andreas Hotho (University of Kassel, D) Andrei Tamilin (FBK, Center for Information Technology - IRST, IT) Antoine Isaac (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL) Anupriya Ankolekar (HP Labs, USA) Arantza Illarramendi (Basque Country University, E) Axel Hahn (University of Oldenburg, D) Axel Polleres (DERI, National University of Ireland, IR) Bernardo Cuenca Grau (Oxford University, UK) Bernhard Thalheim (Christian Albrechts University Kiel, D) Bertram Ludaescher (UC Davis, USA) Bijan Parsia (University of Manchester, UK) Boi Faltings (EPFL Lausanne, CH) Boris Motik (University of Oxford, UK) Carlos Hurtado (University of Chile, RCH) Christine Golbreich (University of Versailles, F) Christoph Bussler (Merced Systems, Inc., USA) Christopher Baker (Institute for Infocomm Research, SG) Christos Tryfonopoulos (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik, D) Costas Vassilakis (University of Peloponnese, GR) Cristina Baroglio (University of Torino, IT) Dan Brickley (Asemantics, UK ) Daniel Oberle (SAP AG, D) Daniel Olmedilla (L3S Research Center, D) Danny Ayers (Talis Information Ltd., UK) Diana Maynard (University of Sheffield, UK) Diego Calvanese (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, IT) Djamel A. ZIGHED (University of Lyon, F) Dunja Mladenic (J. Stefan Institute, SI) Epaminondas Kapetanios (University of Westminster, UK) Fabien Gandon (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, F) Francesca Alessandra Lisi (University of Bari, IT) François Bry (LMU Muenchen, D) Galia Angelova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BG) Geert-Jan Houben (TU Delft, NL) Georg Lausen (University of Freiburg, D) George Vouros (University of the Aegean, GR) Georgia Koutrika (Stanford University, USA) Georgios Paliouras (Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, NCSR "Demokritos", GR) Gerald Reif (University of Zurich, CH) Gerd Stumme (University of Kassel, D) Gerhard Friedrich (University Klagenfurt, A) Gianluigi Greco (University of Calabria, IT) Giorgos Flouris (FORTH-ICS, GR) Giorgos Stamou (National Technical University of Athens, GR) Giorgos Stoilos (National Technical University of Athens, GR) Graham Wilcock (University of Helsinki, FI) Guido Governatori (NICTA, AU) Hak Lae Kim (Digital Enterprise Research Institute, IR) Harry Halpin (University of Edinburgh, UK) Heiko Stoermer (University of Trento, IT) Heiner Stuckenschmidt (University of Mannheim, D) Herman ter Horst (Philips Research, NL) Hideaki Takeda (National Institute of Informatics and The University of Tokyo, JP) Holger Wache (University of Applied Science Northwestern Switzerland, CH) Ion Androutsopoulos (Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), GR) Jacco van Ossenbruggen (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Sciences, NL) Jan Maluszynski (Linkoping University, SE) Jane Hunter (University of Queensland, AU) Jeff Z. Pan (University of Aberdeen, UK) Jin Song Dong (National University of Singapore, SG) Jinghai Rao (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Joanne Luciano (Harvard Medical School, USA) John Breslin (National University of Ireland, Galway, IR) John Goodwin (Ordnance Survey, UK) Jos de Bruijn (Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, IT) Jose Julio Alferes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, P) Kai-Uwe Sattler (TU Ilmenau, D) Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield, UK) Kavitha Srinivas (IBM Research, USA) Laura Hollink (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL) Laure Vieu (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, F) Leo Obrst (The MITRE Corporation, USA) Leopoldo Bertossi (Carleton University, CDN) Line Catherine Pouchard (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA) Ljiljana Stojanovic (FZI, D) Lyndon Nixon (STI International, A) M. Scott Marshall (University of Amsterdam, NL) Marcelo Arenas (PUC, RCH) Marco Pistore (FBK, Center for Information Technology - IRST, IT) Marie-Christine Rousset (University of Grenoble, F) Mario Cannataro (University of Catanzaro, IT) Mark Greaves (Vulcan Inc, USA) Mark Roantree (Dublin City University, IR) Martin Dzbor (The Open University, UK) Michael Schumacher (EPFL Lausanne, CH) Michael Sintek (DFKI GmbH, D) Michael Stollberg (SAP Research CEC Dresden, D) Michal Zaremba (STI Innsbruck, A) Mieczyslaw Kokar (Northeastern University, USA) Mihhail Matskin (KTH, SE) Mike Dean (BBN Technologies, USA) Milena Yankova (Ontotext Lab, Sirma Group Corp., BG) Mohand-Said Hacid (Lyon University - UCBL, F) Munindar Singh (North Carolina State University, USA) Nicholas Gibbins (University of Southampton, UK) Nick Bassiliades (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR) Nicola Leone (University of Calabria, IT) Oscar Corcho (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, E) Paolo Bouquet (University of Trento, IT) Paul - Alexandru Chirita (Adobe Systems Inc., RO) Paul Buitelaar (DFKI GmbH, D) Paulo Pinheiro da Silva (University of Texas at El Paso, USA) Pavel Shvaiko (TasLab, Informatica Trentina, IT) Peter Haase (University of Karlsruhe, D) Peter Mika (Yahoo! Research, E) Peter Wood (Birkbeck, University of London, UK) Ralf Moeller (Hamburg University of Technology, D) Riccardo Rosati (DIS, Sapienza University of Rome, IT) Robert Tolksdorf (Freie Universität Berlin, D) Ruben Lara (Telefonica R&D, E) Rudi Studer (University of Karlsruhe, D) Saikat Mukherjee (Siemens Corporate Research, USA) Sascha Ossowski (University Rey Juan Carlos, E) Scott Marshall (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL) Sebastian Schaffert (Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, A) Sergej Sizov (University of Koblenz-Landau, D) Silvana Castano (University of Milano, IT) Simon Miles (King's College London, UK) Spiros Skiadopoulos (University of Peloponnese, GR) Stefan Schlobach (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL) Takahira Yamaguchi (Keio University, JP) Terry Payne (University of Southampton, UK) Thierry Declerck (DFKI GmbH, D) Tomas Vitvar (STI Innsbruck , A) Ubbo Visser (TZI - Center for Computing Technologies University of Bremen, D) Ulrich Reimer (University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen, CH) Umberto Straccia (ISTI-CNR, IT) Vangelis Karkaletsis (NCSR "Demokritos", GR) Vania Dimitrova (University of Leeds, UK) Vasilis Samoladas (Technical University of Crete, GR) Veronique Malaise (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL) Victoria Uren (The Open University, UK) Vinay Chaudhri (SRI, USA) Vojtech Svatek (University of Economics, Prague, SK) Walter Binder (EPFL Lausanne, CH) Wlodek Drabent (IPI PAN Warszawa, PL) Wolf Siberski (L3S Research Center, D) Wolfgang May (Universitaet Goettingen, D) Wolfgang Nejdl (University of Hannover, D) Yannis Avrithis (National Technical University of Athens, GR) Yaoyong Li (Sheffield University, UK) Yevgeny Kazakov (The University of Oxford) Yiannis Kompatsiaris (CERTH - ITI, GR) Ying Ding (Indiana University, USA) Yiyu Yao (University of Regina, CA) York Sure (SAP Research Karlsruhe, D) Yuan An (Drexel University, USA) Zlatina Marinova (Ontotext Lab, Sirma Group Corp., BG) Zohra Bellahsene (LIRMM, F)